Free Laughing sound, It's hilarious

free laughing sounds

laugh sound effect downloadthe laughing sound is a great tool to boost up moral. There is something so contagious about it. It’s like yawning, if the person next to you is yawning, you are likely to yawn too. A very strange phenomenon but never the less, true.

I remember a few months ago I stumbled upon a video on Youtube which showed different people watching other people laugh while they start laughing themselves. it was magical, the effect that laughter has on us is incredible.

Recording a laugh sound

In order to acquire some decent and honest chuckles I decided to show that video I mentioned earlier, I gave them earphones and placed the microphone in front of them as they watched.
The results were pretty cool.
Every person has a different kind of giggle and just editing the stuff I recorded was hilarious. I also added some classic sounds such as the evil laugh sound, the crazy cackle, hysterical hoots and more.

Creating this page was very rewarding for me. I made people laugh and I cracked myself up along the way. I hope it will have that same effects on you as well.

Remember, sometimes a healthy laugh sound is all we need so keep up the good vibrations.

Listen to a woman laughing audio sample

Download free laughing audio samples
(Left click for preview, Right click to download)

Download free laughing sound male mp3
Download free laughing WAV male
Download free laughing mp3 female
Download free laughing WAV female
Download 2 people laughing mp3
Download 2 people laughing WAV

Go back to free human sounds or check out some really free funny fart sounds